Thursday, October 12, 2006

Question Three

In the library episode, what was the name of the library detective?

-What were the two books in question?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Bookman and I think one of the books was "Tropic of Cancer".

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Bookman is true, as is Tropic of Cancer....

And that is the peak of my memory.

sarah said...

mr. librayguy, and the books were huck finn, and tom sawyer.

lisa d said...

yes and yes. thanks for the recap jobie. the other book was tropic of capricorn.

joyboy- was this a random blog visit, or do we know each other?

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

"Thanks for the recap?"
Was that called for?

Maybe that turns you on, Richard; Maybe that's how you get your kicks. You and your good-time buddies. Well I got a flash for ya, joy-boy: Party time is over.

lisa d said...

you like it.

i'm relieved to find that joyboy was a line from that episode. it seemed like such a strange moniker. as i was drifting off to sleep last night, it dawned on me that it was probably from the show, and no one at work could verify today.