Thursday, November 16, 2006

Seinfeld Trivia

Okay picture it: Elaine is leaving the Costanza's house and she needs something to read on the subway. Jerry tosses her a copy of what magazine (that Mr. Costanza collects, and later is irate to find that he is missing)?

Who is on the cover of this issue?

The creepy guy who talks to Elaine on the subway while she is reading the magazine becomes enamored with her and later creates a what to resemble her?


Anonymous said...

TV Guide and Al Roker I think.

lisa d said...

yes! i am now less discouraged about knowing way too much about this show, thanks.

and, yes, i do love the drake, but i still want my big screen tv back.

9:59 AM

Darth said...

I believe he creates a mannequin that resembles her.

lisa d said...

correct! tricky because it happens in a different episode.