Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Trouble in campadise

Perhaps it is the freezing temeratures and month-long illness that have put me in such a foul mood. I'm feeling trapped in a small town in a funky job. The day to day fuctions of my job are fine and I, of course, have fun working with the Tates, but the dynamics of our little community are so insanely disjointed that I sometimes fear that they are irreparable. Living within this group which has affectionately been likened to the cast of the Island of the Misfit Toys is proving to be more and more taxing. Pray for us!! I believe that this staff was assembled this way for a reason and that I have much to learn from being a part of it.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


Anonymous said...

Well all I can say is that I work for a "famous" company, that is much larger than your camp, and it's in a "big city" (actually it's a big town that so badly wants to be a big city, but that's another story). How you describe your scenario is painfully similar to mine (I LOVE the Island of Misfit Toys simile). I, er, uh, commiserate you. With you. Uh. Whatever. :)

- D

P.S. btw, this login belongs to me, your brother-by-extension through the bobster with all of his lack-of-tech-prowess-despite-monumental-intellect.

P.P.S. I gave Bobby an assignment to do by Friday - get a blog and put something on it, and/or get his myspace page loaded with stuffs. I also told him to get playing on world of warcraft, but that was just to challenge him :)

lisa d said...

haha! i should have known that you'd have beat me to blogspot by four years! i'll keep the heat on bob the viking too.

i pulled a mini-bolt last night and drove down to hemet for a popcorn and candy dinner at the movies. i saw the pursuit of happ-y-ness and was reminded of how safe, warm and loved i've always been. i've never had to sleep on the floor of a public restroom, and if i were evicted today, i'd have no less than ten places i could go.

we've got some funky people here, and i tend toward stir craziness in towns without malls and targets, but i am well taken care of and have a job where i can serve God by serving others, and that ain't too shabby.

now, if you'll excuse me... i have four years of your blog to catch up on.

Anonymous said...

Hemet is to be used primarly for In & Out Burger, don't ya know.

When I used to attend ISOMATA (regardless of what they call it now, that's what it is to me), I actually wrote to I&O to see if the would get a location up in Idyllwild as a welcome reprieve from cafeteria food. It never materialized, but alas, I've also never held it against them.

As far as your realization about God and gifts, etc., that happens to be why I haven't vacated this place - despite all that I've seen go downhill in the past 6 1/2 years. I have been blessed with more than I could possibly imagine (not just materially mind you), and am very lucky to come home to what keeps my perspective sane every day :)

Kelly Visel said...

I would certainly say that "The Island of Misfit Toys" is a fitting description. I'll be praying for you and the staff; winter has it's ups and downs just like summer does. I'll be home in less than a week and though and I can't wait to see everyone. Maybe we can go to Cafe Aroma to help take your mind off of things.

lisa d said...

that will be wonderful- i'm holding you to it! so exciting that you're almost done