Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dear Creature,

You have not agreed to my ground rules, nor have you heeded my warnings, and now it's time for me to send someone up there. I gave you plenty of chances. I did my best to ignore your scurrying. I pushed the thought of attic vermin down to a quiet spot in my subconscious. I did little more than bang on the ceiling on that weekend when you had...um...company. But now, the long stints of gnawing have troubled me. It can't be good for whatever is keeping my roof on. It was a stretch from the beginning. No one thought that it would work out. I don't even really like animals that much.

It's over.

It's not me.

It's you.


sarah said...

what are you going to do to it? and am I the one going after it?

sharon said...

It's only fair creature. You were duely warned and have had little respect. Go to it with a clear conscience.