Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Seinfeld Trivia- medium

-What is my name?

-Who is my publisher?

-Where are my glasses from?

-How did I pick up on Elaine?

-Why did we break up?


lisa d said...

oh come on, people. i see you hutchins boys. dixie tate's gonna beat you to it. bring the noise.

Darth said...

- Your name is Jake Jarmell

- Your book is published by Lippman i believe.

- Your glasses are from malaysia

- You broke up because Elaine went back in the theater to get jujee fruits after learning he had been in an accident.

- the picking up part i'm a little vauge on.

lisa d said...

lippman is half right- who's the publishing company?

they got together in a different episode (and season) if that helps

Hutch said...

hutchins boy maybe. i can't answer any seinfeld trivia. although i did sneak onto the set once after hours.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for believing in me Lisa - even though I was pretty much toast on this one.

lisa d said...

i thought it was in the bag joyboy.

"reveal!" you say?


he felt her material.