Saturday, May 19, 2007

At the Breaka-Breaka Dawn

It wasn't until Thursday night that I realized that I had only scheduled two people for Saturday's breakfast prep. I told Josh and Paul about my mistake and they offered to come in a little early. They put my 6:40 arrival to shame by getting in at 6:00 a.m. They were not the same helpless staff boys that I worked with a decade ago! They got almost everything done by 7:00 (we serve at 8:00), and even did the big, scary tasks like oatmeal and chorizo. This, fortunately, gave us time to collect some blog fodder.

Whatever happened to listing simply: "natural flavorings"?


barefootkangaroo said...

That's my favorite's the apron of many colors.

lisa d said...

all you need is the hotdog on a stick hat to go with it!

Kelly Visel said...

Such good staff boys; it's good to know that staff boys mature.