Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let Them Eat...Fish?

I've decided to learn to like fish before our trip to Norway. Attempt #1:

I trust Trader Joe's. This picture was appealing, so I plunked down the eight dollars for this package even though the thought of eating salmon makes me uneasy.

I realized when the timer sounded, that I have never in my life cooked myself a piece of fish and I wasn't sure if it was done, so I gave it extra oven time.

The sauce and vegetables were really good, but didn't last as long as the fish. They ran out about two thirds of the way through the meal, leaving just a slab of undisguised salmon.

I hit a wall before the last few bites, and resorted to cheese and cracker supplements to hide (uh, enhance?) the flavor.

For distraction:

Mission accomplished. I ate it all. It'll be that much easier next time.


sharon said...

Pshaw. Salmon is wasted on you. My face looks very different after eating the delicious creature from the sea... river... whatever.

way to be norweigen!

MomZup said...

What a pitiful sad face! You may be excused from the table Miss Lisa but you will be seeing your salmon dinner at breakfast until it is all gone! From your tough love Scottish MomZup!

lisa d said...

but i ate it all!!!!!!!!

Mom 8X said...

But how long did it take? Salmon is one of my favorites. I order it often when we eat out.

lisa d said...

it's true. you're all better than me.

Boise Mama said...

I can't believe you ate fish! Your face looks like Sam when I have fed him peas.

lisa d said...

yeah, cooked peas are gross. but baby steps :)

sarah said...

um, i once ordered a piece of salmon in Maine that came back raw, and with some sauce that hurt me.