Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Retreat

We hosted the AC teen retreat last weekend and found ourselves at a mini summer staff reunion. We tried to figure out how many summers of service were represented by these twenty past staffers, but soon realized that we weren't quite sure what qualified as an official summer. A week? A month? Enough time to receive mail in box CC? What we do know is how much the experience has changed who we are and that God who is faithful has used this place and these people in mighty ways.


al'xae said...

ah, I know a lot of those faces! I want to reach through the computer to give them a hug! :)

MomZup said...

Where was Jody? I missed her smiling face! Great picture.

Anonymous said...

You should try to figure out what you could buy with all the money made by the staffers during those summers :)

sarah said...

Jody was never a staff member...

Oh, Chad. How often the world sees servants and mocks them for slaves.
