Wednesday, February 03, 2010

This Is Real.

Really. I received these directions tonight: "Okay, well you go down Tollgate pretty far, and then you will pass a street, and then keep going straight, then you will see a semi- big, red house, and mine is the bright blue one right after it." After a few follow-up questions, I learned that her house would be on the right, and the street that I would pass "might be" Delano. Break the cycle. Teach your kids their addresses. Thanks.


al'xae said...

Oh Lisa, this is the way of the small town. I know; the highway, south circle, pine crest, saunder's meadow and toll gate... everything else is subjective.

al'xae said...

BTW, I totally know what house you're going to :D

Kelly Visel said...

Oh, these are very Idyllwild directions.

Josh Tate said...

Some actual directions I have received from people in Idyllwild-

"There's gonna be a big tree on your left. I don't know the name of the street, but after the big tree turn left."

"The road is gonna get really curvy and then you're gonna wanna look for a big rock. Just before the rock there is a driveway and then you're there."

Big trees, big rocks and curves in the road are not landmarks in Idyllwild. Somebody needs to tell them that. If you want good directions I have learned to call someone from the valley. I think it's because the traffic forces them to drive everywhere at 10 MPH so they can really take it all in.