Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last week my friend Marin invited me to see the Aspen to Santa Fe Ballet Company down in the desert. It was a collection of four "experimental" pieces, which basically means that no one wore a tutu and Vivaldi played a much smaller role. I'm a sucker for the staples of traditional ballet- huge jumps and seemingly endless fouettés- but this performance was quite beautiful.

Even the intermissions were entertaining, as I imagined what quips these two ladies in the balcony might cook up were they Waldorf and Statler, the cranky, old Muppet hecklers.

1 comment:

MomZup said...

So glad you are getting some culture. . .oh, how I loved the muppets. The first picture I thought was maybe you and Sarah doing your morning calisthenics but then took a closer look. . .hmmmm!