Thursday, February 25, 2016

I found our camera today and immediately took seventeen pictures of the girls before the batteries died. They are happy and sad and interested in this strange thing that is not an iPad or a cell phone that can capture their images. And Ingrid's hair is weird. All of the time.

Let's resurrect our little blogosphere! 


MomZup said...

These are wonderful! Ingrid looks so much like you in one of the pictures! She also looks more like Bryn in these pictures!

Al'xae said...

I've been missing the blogosphere lately. Is it nostalgia? I miss the more thoughtful presentation and a beautiful lack of links to other people's ideas. Love these pics :)

sarah said...

I love that little sad face! And that weird hair! Bryn and Ingrid, both, have such beautiful hair- like little blonde clouds around their faces. Sweet girls. Bring them by. We can have coffee amidst the screaming.