Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Only my brother

The other day, I was giving my new address to my brother Jim.
"...that's California, of course, and the zip is 9-2-5-4-9"
J "Oh, that's easy to remember. 3-5-7."
"Come again?"
J "The square roots of 9, 25, and 49. 3, 5, 7."

We shared a room for eleven years, we went to the same elementary and high schools, same swim team, 4H club, born of the same parents, had the same two older brothers, and I probably have more shared history with him than I have with anyone else.

How are our brains so different?


Anonymous said...

Your brother's mind is a strange and wonderful place. If you don't understand it then there is no hope for any of us. Just gotta love him and that wonderful brain full of great and off the wall facts.

lisa d said...
