Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally My Turn!

I saw more than just the bobcat's feet for once. He was about thirty feet out from the office window when I first saw him, and he sauntered closer and closer until I opened the door for one last picture, then he ran to the safety of the gully. I'm so glad that I'm such a nerd, and carry my camera around like it's my job.


Kelly Visel said...

I love the one where he realizes he's being watched.

al'xae said...

Is this in Idyllwild? 13 years living there and I never saw a bobcat!

Anonymous said...

Has Josh gotten Bobcat tracks yet? He must not of been in the office or he would of never let you get a photo.

lisa d said...

it was right between buildings one and two- just quiet enough that it felt okay walking through camp.

josh wasn't in the office, but i'm sure he and his bucket of plaster will be scouring the gully today.