Saturday, April 26, 2008

Quiz Time

You have opened a third can of rancid enchilada sauce to find that the odd smell and appearance of the first two were not simply coincidental.

You have already cooked the beef, and set up the enchilada assembly line. Should you:

A) Panic, and find a cupboard large enough to accommodate the fetal position. Then, lie down and bemoan the fact that you haven't fostered the kind of relationship with the Mexican restaurants in town that would allow you to just run over and borrow a gallon or two of sauce from them.

B) Write "Psych!" over enchiladas on the menu, and call the staff telling them to take the night off. These campers seem pretty reasonable, and, c'mon...who doesn't love cereal for dinner, right?

C) Send Josh out with his BB gun to see if he can rustle up some old squirrels.

D) Trust the people on the internet who have taken the time to post their favorite recipes, and hope for the best.

**Extra Credit- When you can't get the lid off of the new bottle of oil and you fear you won't have enough time to make enchilada sauce at all, should you:

A) Strike the lid with a butter knife until it is easily removed.

B) Go find someone stronger to open the oil for you.

C) Hack the top two inches off of the bottle like a crazy person.


Annie said...

holy crapazoli. i wish i could have tasted those enchiladas, but selfishly, i'm glad that i wasn't there for that...i feel your pain.

Annie said...

oh, it's me, sarah...oops.

Meghan said...

Hopefully no future staff boys read your blog. I could see this being a problem in the future. Just kidding, I would have done the same thing.

jen said...

I would like to choose all of the above. Wow, you had quite the day. I wish I was there to help or at least offer you a nice cold drink.

Love you tons!

john tate said...

I love that you lopped off the top of that bottle - I really do. I also like to think that you're always only a BB gun away from turning normal enchiladas into soul food enchiladas.

lisa d said...

easy pour bottle... that's just askin' for it.

sharon said...


I really liked this post.