Friday, July 03, 2009

Painted Canvas, Painted Sky

During camp's off season, I am a day off champion. No one knows more about working less than yours truly. But during the summer I am less proficient in this area. When Tuesday evening rolls around and I'm not quite finished with the order, I think: "I'll just finish it tomorrow morning. It'll only take an hour." Then I am sucked in somehow, and my day off turns into something less relaxing than it should be. So this year I have resolved to skip town every Wednesday (save for last week when we had our health inspection, but you can't blame me for that one). This week I headed down to the desert.

As I was strolling along the wall in the photography wing, I was vaguely aware of these folks resting on a bench. I was a little freaked out by how intently they were looking at one of the photos, until I finally realized that they were sans pulse.

I dined under the misters at Chipotle. I had never been there before- that burrito was the size of my head.

I did a ton of shopping, got a pedicure, then sat and read by one of the desert's many fountains, Starbucks in hand. The scenery on the ride home was alright, I guess.


Mom 8X said...

Looks like a relaxing day to me. I had to laugh about the couple on the bench.

sarah said...

I want to go to there!