The Garden Fellowship was here for a retreat last weekend, and this year they left us all kinds of floral arrangements and plants- so nice. Not much has been happening around these parts. On Monday I decided around dinner time that I'd go to the Desert for a movie. I went to Target, Trader Joes', Baja Fresh (which had an inordinate number of crazy people within its walls), World Market and Borders, where I found a seat and looked through travel books on Norway until the 10:10 showing of Baby Mama. Oh Tina Fey, how'd you get to be so funny? I rolled back into camp after 1:00 a.m., but it was such a good trip.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Garden Fellowship was here for a retreat last weekend, and this year they left us all kinds of floral arrangements and plants- so nice. Not much has been happening around these parts. On Monday I decided around dinner time that I'd go to the Desert for a movie. I went to Target, Trader Joes', Baja Fresh (which had an inordinate number of crazy people within its walls), World Market and Borders, where I found a seat and looked through travel books on Norway until the 10:10 showing of Baby Mama. Oh Tina Fey, how'd you get to be so funny? I rolled back into camp after 1:00 a.m., but it was such a good trip.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Quiz Time
You have opened a third can of rancid enchilada sauce to find that the odd smell and appearance of the first two were not simply coincidental.
You have already cooked the beef, and set up the enchilada assembly line. Should you:
A) Panic, and find a cupboard large enough to accommodate the fetal position. Then, lie down and bemoan the fact that you haven't fostered the kind of relationship with the Mexican restaurants in town that would allow you to just run over and borrow a gallon or two of sauce from them.
B) Write "Psych!" over enchiladas on the menu, and call the staff telling them to take the night off. These campers seem pretty reasonable, and, c'mon...who doesn't love cereal for dinner, right?
C) Send Josh out with his BB gun to see if he can rustle up some old squirrels.
D) Trust the people on the internet who have taken the time to post their favorite recipes, and hope for the best.
**Extra Credit- When you can't get the lid off of the new bottle of oil and you fear you won't have enough time to make enchilada sauce at all, should you:
A) Strike the lid with a butter knife until it is easily removed.
B) Go find someone stronger to open the oil for you.
C) Hack the top two inches off of the bottle like a crazy person.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Finally My Turn!
I saw more than just the bobcat's feet for once. He was about thirty feet out from the office window when I first saw him, and he sauntered closer and closer until I opened the door for one last picture, then he ran to the safety of the gully. I'm so glad that I'm such a nerd, and carry my camera around like it's my job.
My Netflix Queue Is Currently Full Of Norwegian Films
There were parts that were very, erm...European, but I really enjoyed it overall. I especially liked the closing credits which were chock-full of family names.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
One Month Plus
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My Mom came to visit, bringing some of her garden with her. She worked dinner with us on Saturday, and I had intended to take a bunch of pictures of her in camp staff attire, but was kept too busy with raw chicken to get that done. She served up the cake and helped make the banana bread and chocolate zucchini muffins. I was wishing that I had planned a more difficult menu, since I always call her when I have questions. It would have been so handy to have my personal kitchen consultant in-house. Thanks for the flowers!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Lifehouse had been one of the worship bands there up until 2001 when "Hanging By A Moment" made it onto the charts. It made a big impression on me- the notion that a song crafted in adoration for Christ could be adopted as a secular love song. And now the point of this meandering post: Doing the opposite- looking for phrases in "secular" songs that can resonate with one's relationship with God has become a pastime of mine. This is easy considering that I am unusually dense when it comes to interpreting lyrics. "that song's about WHAT?" That's me. Love songs are simple converts, but I love finding a bit of Truth in something random. Jimmy Eats World's "A Praise Chorus" (which isn't- or maybe it is- again, I'm dense) includes the lyrics:
"Someone's gonna ask you what it's all about.
Whatcha gonna have to say for yourself?"
Which makes me think of 1 Peter 3:15.
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
And the response?
"I'm on my feet. I'm on the floor. I'm good to go." I am ready to walk. Probably not what they mean, but to me it's part of the song.
A couple of months ago, I was feeling particularly anxious about life in general, and took a long walk to pray it over. And although I only knew the chorus of this song before googling it today, it was what crept into my internal radio.
You're all I need to get by.
Like the sweet morning dew, I took one look at you,
And it was plain to see,
you were my destiny. With my arms open wide,
I threw away my pride
I'll sacrifice for you
Dedicate my life for you
I will go where you lead
Always there in time of need
And when I lose my will
You'll be there to push me up the hill
There's no, no looking back for us
We got love sure 'nough, that's enough
You're all, You're All I need to get by.
I all, you're all I want to strive for
and do a little more
All, all the joys under the sun wrapped up
into one
You're all, You're all I need to get by.
You're all I need to get by.
Like an eagle protects his nest, for you I'll
do my best,
Stand by you like a tree, dare anybody to try
and move me
Darling in you I found
Strength where I was torn down
Don't know what's in store but together we can
open any door
Just to do what's good for you and inspire you a
little higher
I know you can make a man out of a soul that didn't
have a goal
Cause we, we got the right foundation and with love
and determination
You're all, You're All I need to get by.
I all, you're all I want to strive for and do a
little more
All, all the joys under the sun wrapped up into one
You're all, You're all I need to get by.
I Loved It Indeed
Besides just being a great movie, hearing all of that Danish made me very excited about Norway- which is now less than a month away! I don't know about those big, flat fish drying in the sun, but there were several little things that reminded me of my Nana Waaler. I'll have to dig up some old pictures of my Mom, who looks very much like the young Philippa.
Monday, April 14, 2008
We played a bunch of rowdy games last night at youth group, as is the usual order of things. Some of the kids had found tape with which to give themselves faux warpaint before putting trashcans over their heads for the backwards relay race. TJ asked if I would wear some, and, shocked that I said yes, he flew back upstairs to get the roll. We had fun with the games and only a handful of kids were bleeding by the time we went back to the sanctuary to sing.
The best, and sadly shortest, time of the night was when Jon had the kids sit all clumped together on the floor, and the leaders gathered around them and listened as they talked about the things that they are struggling with most and we were able to pray with them. I have really grown to love this group of kids and am constantly humbled by how much they are teaching me.
Then as we were waiting for the rest of the kids' parents to show up, Larissa and I brought out cushions and taught everyone to do dive rolls and two-person sommersaults. It was very, very fun until Larissa and I really got going, ran out of padding, and I cracked my coconut on the ground. Man, is my neck sore!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sarah's Birthday
We ate at Joe's Crab Shack...
because it is sooo exciting...
and has this right outside to keep the chickens happy.
There are crazy disco lights,
and even dancing servers! Throughout the night at Joe's the servers come out of hiding and dance choreographed routines to both delight the patrons and allow the kitchen to catch up with orders. Josh arrived during the dancing and jumped into the mix for a second, but my oh-so-slow-camera failed to capture the magic.
This is my new all time favorite Sarah picture.
Instead of singing sweetly and bringing free dessert, this staff brings a plate full of whipped cream and a challenge to uncover the cherry inside without using your hands. They then hold said cherry over your head and snicker as you root around in the in the nasty mire of non-dairy topping and unsolicited stares. Sarah was onto the gag from the beginning, but she's a gamer.